Welcome to my blog. I never intended to use one of these but my brother has persuaded me to start one up. So I hope the thoughts which I convey to you will have some sort of impact or meaning as I share my feelings. Feel free to comment.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Much has happened since the last post and I apologize for the long delay in writing another one. Anyway some of the exciting events that have occurred are as follows: saw True Grit twice (starring Jeff Bridges, Jeff Bridges, and the amazing...Jeff Bridges), seeing and hanging out with great friends, working with Vicky, but the most exciting...my brother getting engaged to his girlfriend of six years plus (I think those figures are right). Anyway, this big step signifies a beautiful thing...family. What a privilege that God has bestowed upon us. The aforementioned girlfriend is an awesome young lady who I am more than happy to call my own sister (eventually). My brother's proposal has provoked much thought as to the thought of family and how the proposal to be with one person for the rest of your life is much like that of our relationship with Christ. In fact, the bible compares our faith in Christ to that of a marriage and what an accurate description (props to you God). When my brother proposed to this girl, it is essentially telling (asking is a big part of it too) that special someone that "You are my only love, the one I pledge to be faithful to for the rest of my known life here on this earth...do you want the same?" When we trust in God for our salvation, we have made that self-same solemn pledge to Him. We made a vow to be faithful to Him and Him alone while promising to spend the rest of our lives getting to know Him more and more. That's quite the vow. How have your vows been holding up?