Welcome to my blog. I never intended to use one of these but my brother has persuaded me to start one up. So I hope the thoughts which I convey to you will have some sort of impact or meaning as I share my feelings. Feel free to comment.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Reminiscence of a Savior

It does indeed perplex me. The thought of such a strong love and desire for my redemption. Can it be truly grasped? Can it be truly understood? I think not. Such a love, not a soul on earth deserves. Unless, the act of one such perfect sacrifice would be offered up to atone for the nature of our wrongdoing. For we were born into captivity. We were bound by the chains of sin. But the sacrifice has been made and the perfect Lamb was laid in the grave. Yet, death could not be master over Him. For He is the master of all. The very break of the waves, the complexion of our human structure, the universe itself- they all obey His Will. This very same master of all…died. He died so that we could live. This master, is love.

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